HOW TO take your nutrition to the next level
Eating a healthy, balanced diet is one of the most important things you can do to protect your health. In fact, up to 80% of premature heart disease and stroke can be prevented through your life choices and habits, such as eating a healthy diet and being physically active
Vitamin A
Mind: helps improve learning and memory
Body: shown to help autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis; may help lower chances of getting skin cancer; helps preserve eyesight; boosts immune function; crucial to the function of organs like heart and kidneys
Beauty: helps prevent acne
What to eat:
Preformed vitamin A: fish, organ meat, eggs, dairy
Mind: may help protect protect the brain
Body: has been shown to prevent and reverse cardiovascular disease; boosts the immune system; has antibacterial properties; may help reduce pain
Beauty: can help prevent UV damage and photo-aging caused by the sun; helps improve blood circulation; helps increase collagen production
What to eat:
Papaya, watermelon, tomato, grapefruit
Mind: has been shown to help the brain make new neurons; may help slow cognitive decline and improve memory
Body: helps increase the number of infection-fighting white blood cells; helps produce DNA; protects our cells against damage and infections; helps the reproduction of thyroid hormones, which directly affects our metabolism
Beauty: helps promote hair growth and reduce dandruff; helps protect against UV damage and inflammation
What to eat:
Brazil nuts, oysters, halibut, eggs, shiitake mushrooms
Mind: helps improve short and long term memory
Body: improves immune system; helps maintain eye health
Beauty: topical application has been shown to have photoprotective and soothing agents; helps treat inflammatory conditions like dermatitis, acne, warts, and rosacea.
What to eat:
Beef, shrimp, chickpeas, pumpkin seeds, lentils, cashews
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