GOOD NEWS Breastfeeding and COVID
There is promising news coming from recent research for mamas and their babies in regards to COVID-19. Currently, in the largest study to date looking at Covid in breast milk, a team of researchers from California found the likelihood of spreading the Covid virus to infants through breastfeeding is low.
The recent evidence published in the journal Pediatric Research found that it's safe to breastfeed with Covid.
“Recent SARS-CoV-2 infection or detection of its RNA in human milk is not a contraindication to breastfeeding,” concluded the researchers.
During the time from March 2020 to September 2020, the researchers collected breast milk samples from 110 women who were actively breastfeeding to look for any traces of SARS-CoV-2. Of the 110 women, 65 tested positive for Covid, nine showed Covid-like symptoms but tested negative for the virus, and 36 had symptoms but did not take a Covid test.
Of the women positive for Covid, seven had at least one sample of breast milk with detectable levels of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA in their breast milk. Interestingly, the other breast milk samples donated by the same seven women showed no evidence of viral RNA.
A growing body of evidence suggests breast milk from mothers who either recovered from Covid and/or were vaccinated may provide temporary immunity to the breastfeeding baby against Covid. According to the World Health Organization, mothers who recovered from a Covid infection had high IgA antibody levels in breast milk. Beyond its ability to protect against infections, IgA antibodies also boost your child’s immune system and their cognition.
Research from the University of Rochester also found IgG and IgA antibodies in the breast milk of mothers who had Covid or were vaccinated. While both antibody types were effective in neutralizing Covid, vaccinated mothers largely produced IgG antibodies and Covid-positive mothers produced more IgA antibodies in their breast milk.
We always recommend chatting with your personal practitioner to see how this latest information can be applied to you and your little.